Facebook Extractor Pro

Facebook Leads Extractor is a smart and reliable tool that does searches in the most popular social network (Facebook) and extracts important information like phone number and email addresses. Information like business name, address, phone number, websites, number of likes, number of check-ins and email addresses are just few of the elements that you can get with this incredible tool.
Just enter a keyword and location, then click the Get Data! button and the rest is magic! All the results will be extracted and formatted in a list that you can review before saving to a CSV file that can be imported into MS Excel or your MYSQL database. 

Using PixLeads software, you can easily find Facebook Niche Groups and Create a List of Name and Email Addresses or Phone Number of selected Facebook Group Members. This Members list can be add to FB Custom Audience list or target them with any genuine promotional method like Email Marketing or SMS/Whatsapp Marketing campaign. NOTE: The software only can capture FB users that set Email or Phone as public.
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This Is Why PixLeads Comes in to Save Your DayYou can Utilize this Highly Targeted Leads to promote anything you want

  • Sell your own products or services using FB Ads or Mail Marketing or SMS/Whatsapp Marketing
  • Make Huge Opt-in subscriber lists in different categories
  • Promote Affiliate or Dropship products in any niche of business
  • Brand awareness & brand perception
  • Promote Your Facebook Page or Website or any Business Channels
  • Forward them to Your own Facebook Groups or any Membership Groups
  • Send special ads including discounts, coupons, images, headlines, descriptions, call-to-actions, external links & more!

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3 Simple Steps



Search Facebook Group or Page

Select any Facebook Groups to set up a targeted list. You can insert any Keywords or insert FB Group ID to start searching. (No need to join group if Public Group)



Get Leads in any FB Group or Page

You can insert bulk group ID to captures more users from FB Group or Page. Also can insert keyword to search and find audience from FB. And PixLeads can get leads from your friends of friends too.



Copy and Save List

Copy and Save list in Notepad as TXT or CSV files. Name, Location and Email (not @fb.com mail) was captured. You can add multiple group members Emails into a single list.

Now, you can Simply Import the List to FB Ads Custom Audience or to Email, SMS or Whatsapp Marketing and Send Out Campaign to Them!

What PixLeads can Do?

  • Find Targeted audience from Groups
  • Find Targeted audience from Fanpages
  • Find Targeted audience from Friends of Friends
  • Find Targeted audience from any Keywords

Leads from FB Keywords : 106,148 leads in just a few days!


Leads from FB Groups : 32,701 leads in just a few days!


Leads from FB Friends : 80,664 leads in just a few hours!


Leads from FB Pages : 1,242 leads in just a few minutes!


Note: Result above from the software that we used on 2018. The latest result maybe different depend on latest FB API algorithm.

PixLeads Finally Makes Making Money on Facebook  by Capture More Unlimited Targeted Leads!

Don\’t Forget, with PixLeads you can follow up with them or send Email or SMS or Whatsapp to them at ANY TIME! – \”MONEY is in the LIST\

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